On The Block

Devon Sacre Devon Sacre

New WorkSafeBC Regulations

WorkSafe BC has introduced several changes to their Occupational Health and Safety Regulations which pertain to Occupational First Aid (OFA) requirements, training, and employee certifications for our industry. These new requirements began taking effect on November 1, 2024, and will come into play during the upcoming season. To help employers and workers stay informed and begin preparing for these changes, we’ve provided a guide for the regulatory changes, resources available, and how these changes will affect our industry.

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Devon Sacre Devon Sacre

2024 Season in Review

2024 was Leader’s largest season to date. We had our largest team so far, planted the most trees we ever have, and started providing new services that will allow us to continue extending our season further. In this article, we’ll break down some of the numbers we saw this year, provide our thoughts on the season, and provide you with some goals for the 2025 season.

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Devon Sacre Devon Sacre

Planting & Brushing: What’s the Difference?

Tree planting and brushing are two critical parts of the silviculture industry. Once trees are planted, brushers maintain the site to remove vegetation and maximize the tree’s chances of survival. Both can be rewarding and high-paying jobs, but there are several things to consider before becoming a brusher. If you’re considering a career in brushing, here are a few things to consider.

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Devon Sacre Devon Sacre

The Importance of Quality as a Tree Planter

As a tree planter, speed can often seem like the sole criterion that makes you good at your job. For the most part, this is true. The more trees you get in the ground, the more money you earn. That is with one exception - quality. The other key factor for being a great planter is consistently planting high-quality trees. We understand that quality goes against your productivity incentives, however, it’s still crucial that every tree you put in the ground meets the requirements of the site. That’s why we wanted to highlight why quality is important, and what to look for when evaluating your quality.

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Devon Sacre Devon Sacre

Three Takeaways from the WFCA 2024 Conference

Recently, Leader Silviculture attended the Western Forestry Contractor’s Association Conference & Tradeshow in Victoria. It was a great experience to meet so many friendly faces who are as passionate about the silviculture industry as we are, and to learn from industry experts about how we can create a better forestry sector and protect BC’s forests for generations to come. Many topics were covered across the three days, but a few topics stood out to us as significant focuses over the next few years. Obviously, many of these updates affect people with boots on the ground, which is why we wanted to share what we learned and provide some of our thoughts on their impacts and how we’ll be incorporating what we learned into our company’s practices.

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Devon Sacre Devon Sacre

Tree Planter’s Guide to Impressing Your Crew Boss and Building a Great Reputation

Regardless of whether you’re a first-year who’s looking to make a name for yourself at a rookie mill, or you’re a veteran looking for a company where you can spread your wings, a great first step for tree planters to build a good reputation is to get in your Crew Boss’s good graces. If your crew boss likes you, they’ll say good things to those above them. If they don’t, that news travels just as fast. In an effort to help you make a great impression this year, we’ve outlined some key traits that we love seeing in our tree planters, and hope they will help you start creating a great reputation for yourself in the industry.

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Devon Sacre Devon Sacre

Leader Silviculture’s Commitment for 2024

Leader Silviculture is committed to being a fair employer that treats everybody with respect, and we are constantly looking for ways to improve our methods and do better as an institution. To show that we’re serious, this article explains how we’ve structured our company to build the best work environment we can for our team, and outlines some of the commitments we are making to our employees in 2024.

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Devon Sacre Devon Sacre

How to Prevent Tendonitis & Other Tree Planting Injuries

Remaining injury-free all summer is crucial to maximizing your wages, and with 2024’s Spring plant around the corner, Leader Silviculture has outlined some tips for remaining healthy all year long. We’ve broken our tips down into things that you can do in the preseason to ensure you go to work in good shape, and ways you can minimize the risk of injury every day during the tree planting season.

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Devon Sacre Devon Sacre

2023 Season in Review

With the 2023 season coming to a close, we think it’s important to reflect on our triumphs and our tribulations over the last year to better understand where we can improve our operations next season. This is typically an internal process, however, this year, we thought it would be cool to be transparent with all of you by reviewing our 2023 performance and discussing our goals for the new year.

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Devon Sacre Devon Sacre

Are Drones Coming for Tree Planting Jobs?

There have been conversations recently about whether technologies, such as Chat GPT, will replace people’s jobs in the near future. In the last few years, several companies have sprung up to explore the use of drones for planting trees and completing other tasks in the silviculture industry. With more questions coming up in the industry about job security, we wanted to delve into the subject to answer the question: Are drones coming for your planting jobs?

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Devon Sacre Devon Sacre

Off-Season Jobs for Planters

Some of you love that you get winters off and make enough money planting to take the winters off to ski and hang out. For those of you who don’t like the idea of half the year without income, finding an off-season job is a priority. Options are endless, however, some roles are better than others in terms of pay, flexibility, and how well your planting skills transfer over. To help your job hunt, we’ve compiled a list of jobs that we’ve seen many of you go to during the off-season.

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Devon Sacre Devon Sacre

Waste Reduction Strategies in Planting

Efforts to reduce waste in our processes are being made every year to reduce our climate impact, however, finding solutions that are effective and financially feasible is proving to be a challenge. Still, Leader Silviculture is committed to working towards a more sustainable planting industry and are working with organizations like the WFCA to improve our operations. In this article, we wanted to discuss some of the areas where waste is common, and some of the ideas being tested for its solutions.

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Devon Sacre Devon Sacre

So You Want to be a Brusher?

Now that brushing season is right around the corner, some of you are probably wondering whether you should plant up north for the summer, or stick around and try your hand at brushing… If this sounds like you, here are a few factors you may not have considered.

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Devon Sacre Devon Sacre

Crock Pot Recipes for Tired Planters

A slow cooker, also known as the Crock Pot, is a beloved appliance held in great esteem amongst planters. Nobody likes extra work, especially when you’re exhausted, dirty, and starving. The slow cooker is a no-fuss, set-and-forget solution to meal prep that allows you to cook large quantities of warm, hearty meals that are ready when you get home. This article will provide a few simple and delicious recipes that will help with recovery and will soothe the soul.

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Devon Sacre Devon Sacre

Recovery Tips After Planting

Once you’ve set yourself up for success in the preseason and are using the proper technique to reduce strain and optimize efficiency, what more can you do to prevent injury and maximize your performance? This article will act as a guide for how to recover most effectively from a day of planting, and how to set yourself up for success the next day.

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Devon Sacre Devon Sacre

Advanced Screefing Techniques: Part 1

Screefing is the process of removing the top layer to expose the mineral soil below. This can be as simple as moving branches or other litter, or removing a top layer of grass or other herbaceous competition. In South Central BC, screefing is crucial to ensure seedling survival. This article will show some of the types of screefing you may encounter, and shows some of our top tips for effective screefing while staying injury free.

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Devon Sacre Devon Sacre

Motel Shows: What You Need to Know

A career in planting usually means you’ll be working away from home. Accommodations are usually either in camps or motels. Both setups have their pros and cons, and are good for different people. Leader Silviculture jobs normally use motels, which we love, especially for veteran planters that prefer to be a bit more comfort. This article will outline some of the differences between motels and camps, and provide some tips on how to optimize your motel living experience this season.

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Devon Sacre Devon Sacre

Tree Planting Boots: What You Need to Know

Finding the right boot can be a complicated process, especially for the first-time buyer. To make it a bit easier, we built this guide to answer some of the questions you may have when buying your first (or 50th!) pair of tree-planting boots.

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Devon Sacre Devon Sacre

Silviculture 101 - Phase 2

The Silviculture industry is a far-reaching industry with many moving parts. In an effort to unveil some of the mysteries of the industry’s inner workings, Leader Silviculture is releasing educational articles on the industry, and going in-depth about some of the processes that take place between when a forest is harvested and is regrown to be harvested again. This article will cover all of the main steps between when a tree is planted in the ground, and when it’s ready for reharvest.

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Devon Sacre Devon Sacre

Inside the Silviculture Industry: Pre-Planting

The work that Leader Silviculture does covers everything from planting, brushing, and slashing, to pruning, juvenile spacing, and more. Although we cover a large variety of services in the silviculture industry, there are many things that our company has nothing to do with. To build a deeper understanding of everything that goes into logging and replanting a block, we wanted to break down the entire silviculture industry into its individual parts and showcase the importance of each one of them. Because this article would look more like a novel if we covered everything at once, this article will focus on the main things that take place up to the moment when a new tree is put in the ground by one of Leader Silviculture’s planters.

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